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Lukas Voelz

Lukas Voelz
Wood View Elementary School

“My dream is to get smarter. I’m going to read more books. Mrs. Harmon (Lukas’ 2nd grade teacher) says you can do anything. I want to be a soccer player.”

I am Lukas.

I am Every Learner.
Genesis Schuyler

Genesis Schuyler
Bernard J. Ward Elementary School

"The thing I like best about school is everything. Now I’m learning math times tables.”

I am Genesis.

I am Every Learner.
Abby Wroley

Abby Wroley
Humphrey Middle School

“This year I’m looking forward to playing basketball in the gym. In class, I like solving equations in math.”

I am Abby.

I am Every Learner.
Breanna Solis

Aiden Saxon
Romeoville High School

"I want to thank everyone who has helped me and my classmates through our high school careers.”

I am Aiden.

I am Every Learner.

Learning & Growth

Every Learner will receive equitable access to high-quality instruction so that students succeed with the skills and knowledge to persevere through, advocate for, and take ownership of their own learning.


Equitable Systems

We will remove barriers to success for Every Learner by ensuring equitable practices, access to resources, and inclusive opportunities.


Responsive & Caring Culture

We will create a responsive and caring culture to ensure every stakeholder is cared for, respected, and valued, and our community will feel a sense of belonging and significance.


Resources & Empowerment

We will invest in resources that provide equitable and impactful opportunities and support. We will empower others to engage in our school community to maximize the positive impact for Every Learner.


Join our Team

Valley View School District 365U is a diverse school community serving approximately 16,000 students in Bolingbrook, Romeoville and surrounding areas. As the fifth-largest employer in Will County, VVSD employs over 2,550 qualified staff members committed to supporting

Every Learner. Every Day.

apply today!

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