Authorization for Computer Network and Internet Access
All use of Valley View Community Unit School District # 365 (the "District") network resources, including the Internet, shall be consistent with the District's goal of promoting excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. This Authorization does not attempt to state all required or proscribed behavior by users. The willful or grossly negligent failure of any user to follow the terms of the Authorization for Computer Network and Internet Access will result in the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. The District reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or otherwise limit network access at any time and to inspect or review accounts and files for security purposes.
Terms and Conditions
Acceptable Use:
Access to the District's network resources, including the Internet, must be for the purpose of education or research, and be consistent with the educational objectives of the district. Transmission of any material in violation of United States or state statute or regulation is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to copyright or trade secret material, threatening or obscene material, and criminal activity. The use of the network resources for commercial activities, product solicitations, or political lobbying is also prohibited. Inappropriate use will be reported to the responsible authorities.
The use of the District's network resources, including the Internet, is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. The appropriate building or district administrator will make decisions regarding whether or not a user has violated the Authorization. A copy of network etiquette and unacceptable uses can be found in the student handbook.
Users of the network resources agree not to violate or attempt to violate system security or intentionally interfere with the system performance, or to access another person's account, files or password. Individuals may be denied access to the system based upon security violations. Any user identified as a security risk may be denied access to the network.
No warranties:
The District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expresses or implied, for the service it is providing. The District will not be responsible for any damages. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, missed deliveries, or service interruptions caused by negligence or user errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the authorized user's own risk. The District specifically denies and responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
The taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal image or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or otherwise (commonly called texting, sexting, emailing, etc.) may constitute a CRIME under state and/or federal law. Any person taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs will be reported to law enforcement and/or other appropriate state or federal agencies, which may result in arrest, criminal prosecution, and LIFETIME inclusion on sexual offender registries.
Some examples of unacceptable uses are:
- Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts, or transmitting any material in violation of any U.S. or State Law.
- Unauthorized installation of software, regardless of whether it is copyrighted or de-virused including the unauthorized installation of software.
- Downloading copyrighted material for other than personal use.
- Using the network for private financial or commercial gain.
- Wastefully using resources, such as file space.
- Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities.
- Invading the privacy of individuals.
- Using another user's account or password.
- Posting material authorized or created by another without his/her consent.
- Posting anonymous messages.
- Using the network for commercial or private advertising.
- Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, or displaying any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material.
Network Etiquette:
The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Be polite. Do not become abusive in messages to others.
- Use appropriate language. Do not swear, or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
- Do not reveal the personal addresses or telephone numbers of students or colleagues.
- Recognize that electronic mail (e-mail) is not private. Anyone operating the network has access to all mail. Message relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
- Use of e-mail for sharing jokes, chain letters, and other inappropriate material is not consistent with the use of the tool for educational purposes. Any of these actions may result in a loss of privileges.
- Do not use the network in any way that would disrupt its use by other users.
- Consider all communications and information accessible via the network to be private property.
All use of the district network resources shall be consistent with the District's goal of promoting educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. It is further understood that should a student or staff member willfully or with gross negligence commit any violation, access privileges may be revoked, and school/district disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.
Student Online Personal Protection Act (105 ILCS 85/1, et seq.)
Effective July 1, 2021, new safeguards will be established to provide greater transparency to parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding the methods in which student data will be shared between the District and education technology companies. For more information, please see the District’s website.