Challenge Information Night 2024
While nurturing the unique gifts and talents of our students, the challenge program will build the necessary academic and social skills to maximize potential and to guide them in becoming confident life-long learners. The challenge program provides trained professionals who honor the special needs and abilities of all students that not only challenges their current abilities but also pushes them into new realms of depth and complexity.
Valley View District 365U currently houses our Challenge program in three of the twelve elementary schools.
- Robert C. Hill Elementary - serving Skoff, Hermansen, Irene King & Robert C. Hill students
- Jonas E. Salk Elementary - serving BJ Ward, Tibbott, Wood View & Jonas E. Salk students
- Pioneer Elementary - serving Oak View, Independence, Jamie McGee & Pioneer students
The elementary Challenge program is based on research surrounding responsive learning environments. Every students’ needs are considered in daily instruction, including academic, social, and emotional learning. All district curriculum and educational services align with Valley View School District’s Strategic Plan to provide a Responsive and Caring Culture, promote Learning and Growth, and strengthen Equitable Systems to ensure every student is successful.
Structure of the Challenge Program
Students in the program receive enrichment in the areas of English Language Arts, Math, or Both. Students are assigned to a homeroom classroom. Students will receive instruction in Science, Music/Art, Library Media Center (LMC), and Physical Education (P.E.) with their homeroom. Students will also attend lunch and recess with their homeroom. Students will be pulled into a Challenge classroom for their identified academic areas (English Language Arts, Math, or both) to receive enrichment using current grade level standards.
Specifics of the weekly schedule:
Students pulled into a Challenge Classroom daily for enriched instruction around their identified academic areas. The Challenge teacher will provide:
- Support and resources for differentiation based on student need: Whole class enrichment, Small group work
- Students remain in the homeroom daily for Science, Specials, and lunch/recess: P.E. is twice a week for students, Art (one semester) is twice a week for students, Music (one semester) is twice a week for students, LMC is once a week for students
Other resources available to students:
- Full time social worker on staff
- Full time psychologist on staff
- Full time speech and language pathologist on staff
- Full time nurse on staff
- Full time Learning Environment Coordinator on staff
- Full time Continuous Improvement Coaching Coordinator on staff
Valley View School District 365U believes that all students should be given the opportunity to be screened for placement into the district Challenge program. Identification procedures include but are not limited to formal assessments (ability and achievement) and teacher observation. There are several steps described below for identification and eligibility. An appeals process is included for those parents and/or teachers who want to have a student’s data reviewed. The following criteria outlines the procedures for invitation into a specific program.
- 2nd Grade: The district automatically screens all Grade 2 students using the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3) in January (based on overall assessment load each school year).
- 3rd & 4th Grade: Students in Grades 3 and 4 are screened in January based on performance on fall and winter district assessment scores. Specifically, a student will be administered the NNAT3 if they meet the criteria: The students scored at or above the 90th percentile in Star Reading and/or Star Math.
The list of data reviewed to determine eligibility includes, but may not be limited to, district common assessments, the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3), IAR state tests, classroom performance & teacher recommendations. Students are eligible for the Challenge program by meeting all of the following criteria:
- 2nd Grade: The student scores an NNAT3 score of 120 or higher and their Star Reading/Star Math scores are at the proficient or excelling range.
- 3rd & 4th Grade: Among the students selected for NNAT testing, the student scores an NNAT3 score of 120 or higher
The results from the Naglieri will be sent home to parents/guardians with a determination of Challenge program eligibility. If a student qualifies for the program, parents will also receive a packet of information, including a permission form, a sibling transfer request form, and a Challenge school fact sheet. Once students accept placement into the Challenge program, they will retain placement during elementary school unless they opt out of the program or concerns are noted with performance that may suggest a more appropriate setting for a child’s learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Once a student is administered the Naglieri based on the criteria described on this page, a parent or staff member may appeal a determination of non-eligibility and request that a student’s information be re-evaluated. The appeal must be communicated to the child’s building principal within 30 days of receiving notice of eligibility. Appeals will not be considered after this deadline.