Student Services
The Student Services Department aids in meeting the comprehensive needs of every student and developing life, college and or/career readiness, by providing a wide range of supportive services to students, families, and staff.
Family & Community Liaisons are in several of our buildings to support building reciprocal communication between families and the school. Additionally, our liaisons support with family engagement and education advocacy, linkage to community services, and fostering family leadership.
Health Services provides health and wellness support for Every Learner in Valley View School District. District and school nurses are available to answer any questions you may have about your child's health and well-being in a school environment.
Student Support Services provides social emotional, behavioral, medical, and intervention support to all students in order to promote student success. While some supports and services will have certain eligibility criteria, most services are available to all students.
Special Education Services provides special education services in order to promote student success for students who meet the criteria for federal and state special education eligibility. Services include academic, related services, transition services, social-emotional, behavioral, and other services to support students in the learning environment.

Mary Wurster

Melissa Hester

Lisa Allen

Alfred Morales