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Title I Information

Title I, Part A is a section of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. It was included in the law to provide funds to help students in the nation's schools who are at danger of failing to meet challenging state academic standards. In general, Title I funds are intended to give students additional educational services on top of what they would be ordinarily receiving in the classroom.

Title I Documentation

All schools at all grade levels in the Valley View School District have met the criteria for being considered “Schoolwide Title I” buildings, based on the percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunches. As a result of this status, the federal government annually allocates a substantial amount of funds to the district for the purposes of helping all of our students demonstrate achievement and growth against our state learning standards. 

Stevens Amendment

Projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal grant money must credit the federal government for the federal government's portion of the financial support.

This web page citation informs the public that the use of federal dollars in the Valley View School District meets the Stevens Amendment requirement. Various instructional material purchases, tutoring programs, staff professional development opportunities, district personnel, software licenses and online subscriptions, summer learning programs, homeless student outreach, and parental engagement events have been funded in whole or in part with Federal entitlement dollars.